Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss and Baldness

The most effective hair loss treatment is a healthy diet and to maintain a clean hair with appropriate hair care. There are many hair loss treatments are available. You have to realize the causes of hair loss for choosing the most suitable natural home remedies for hair loss and baldness treatment. It helps you to prevent hair loss and baldness. The presence of thick, shiny, glazed hair gives you positive and healthy look. Usually, a person loses about 100 to 130 hairs daily, and normally replaced new hair after a period called hair cycle. But for some people, new hair is thinner than earlier, others may stop the growth of the hair completely. Alopecia can be due to the insufficiency of nutriment in the diet, tension, stress, fever, contagion or surgical operation, chemotherapy and occasionally causes alopecia as well. Let's have a look at the different types of hair  fall treatment at home.

Aloe Vera:
The gel of aloe Vera leafs works as antioxidant and reduces itching of the scalp and bears an anti-inflammatory material. The gel stimulates hair follicles and soothe the scalp promoting hair regrowth. Take a sheet of Aloe Vera and split longitudinally. Remove the fleshy inside with a spoon and use the mask on your hair and scalp. Keep it during at least half an hour, then wash your head. To get better effects, you should apply the treatment once in a week for 2-3 months.

Henna Leaves with mustard oil:

Take 250 ml mustard oil and 70 grams henna leaves and cook with medium heat until that leaves are cooked totally. Filtrate the oil and rub your scalp on a regular basis with this admixture oil. This easy made home remedy is more effective for hair loss prevention.

Egg yolk and honey:
Take the egg yolk and honey to prepare a mixture of the two. Rub the scalp and hair with your finger by using this mixture and allow it for 30 minutes before washing.

Neem leaves:
Take some neem leaves and boiled it in the water for 20 minutes, then keep it to cool and filter the water. Wash out your hair with the decoction of neem leaves (Azadirachta Indica). It forbids the loss of hair and build them darker and shiny aside from cleansing hair through killing lice and different infesting insects.

Hair loss treatment based on garlic is an another natural good remedy, which is good for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Garlic that contains sulfur chemical element and a fresh antifungal agent and antibiotic. Aside from seasoned, delicious foods have the power to block the formation of dihydro testosterone (DHT), causing hormone of male pattern baldness. You can massage the scalp with extraction of garlic juice for reducing the baldness

Algen extract:

The algen or seaweed extract bears necessary minerals, amino acids and vitamins that the hair requires. It works as an antioxidant and minimize the damage hair. It also promotes the hair growing.


At first wash out your hair with cold water (hot water deprives the natural oil of hair) then massage the scalp with your fingers until you feel the warmth in the fingers and the scalp. This actuates the sebaceous glands and also amends the blood circulation in order to avoid further loss of hair.

Essential oils:
When massaged your scalp with essential oil, you receive double benefits. The oil massage works to shake up your hair, promotes blood flow to the hair and improves blood circulation in the scalp.

Pick out your carrier oil:
Avocado, olive, jojoba, almond, grape seeds or any other light oil. Then select one or more hair essential oils: rosemary, lilac, sandalwood, cedarwood or thin wood. Add 5-6 drops of essential oils with 50 ml of carrier oil. Rub down the mixture on your scalp with mild, round movements, from the front of the scalp and moving towards the neck, repeat this process as much as possible. Try this massage every day before bathing.

Some home remedies especially for baldness Baldness:

a) Cormack paste of lemon and fine grind black pepper seeds. Use this paste on  the spots of  the bald head - twice daily and continue it  for 2 to 3 weeks. It can lead to a feeling of gentle innervation. Even so, it is a great way to increase blood circulation and stimulate the growth of hair.

b) Take licorice, milk, an abstract of Saffron and make a paste with these ingredients. Apply the paste to the bald spots every night before going to sleep.

c) Itch onions on bald spots twice a day until the red zone. Now rubs honey in the same area. Follow-up for baldness treatment.

Here are discussed about some of the natural home remedies for hair loss off and baldness. You can apply any one or several of these natural home treatment depending on the seriousness of the problem of alopecia and ease of application. All these home remedies mentioned above are natural and has no harmful side effects. Follow these treatments regularly to be sure of preventing the loss of hair and new hair shows patience.

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